New feature: default values in the content model
Pieter Versloot

Pieter Versloot

New feature: default values in the content model

New feature: default values in the content model

Thus, when defining the Content Model, you no longer only determine the definition, but you can also give the CMS user (Content Marketer) a helping hand by determining values that are given by default. Some examples of this update are:

  • Choice fields can have a default value. This will give a clearer interface of options. Also, items can default to "true" for a "true/false" field, now it is always "false."
  • Placeholder text/content is definable. For example, you can default to a logical text for certain fields and this can be overwritten without hardcoding anything. Here you can think of:
  • - Default thank you page for forms.
  • - Default text at a button, e.g. is always "Read more" unless you customize it.

So this new feature allows you to create a more user-friendly content model by making it faster to fill and clearer for the user. In the video below, Robert explains how to activate this feature.

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